Safeguarding Adults Advanced (Level 3)

This course is written in line with National Legislation and Guidance to include the Inter-Collegiate Document for Safeguarding Adults 2019 and the Care Act of 2014.


The aim of the course is to increase the knowledge of staff that regularly investigate and/or contribute to supporting adults at risk of abuse and/or their families/carers. This includes multi-agency safeguarding procedures and assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of an adult where there are safeguarding concerns.

Topics Covered

  • Understand how to share confidential information when a safeguarding concern is identified
  • Recognise the importance of a ‘Person Centred’ approach and Think Family
  • Explain how to undertake and contribute to enquires, assessments and the gathering and sharing of information
  • Understand the role of the Mental Capacity Act and its codes of practice when safeguarding adults
  • Identify the impact the Care Act 2014 has when Safeguarding Adults
  • Understand how to apply lessons learnt from audit and Safeguarding Adult Reviews/case management reviews and improve practice
  • Understand the Escalation and Whistleblowing processes