Designated Safeguarding Person (Wales)

This course is Welsh-specific and covers the role of the Designated Safeguarding Person in Wales. It is designed for those working in both education and non-education settings. The course discusses current legislation including the Welsh Government’s response to the IICSA and how mandatory reporting in England coming into force might intersect with this.


The Designated Safeguarding Person has a responsibility at both strategic levels within the organisation and on a day-to-day basis. This course will equip delegates with the skills to undertake the role of DSP in Wales, in conjunction with Welsh legislation and guidance.

In addition, we will focus our attention on the following pieces of legislation:

  • Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act (2014) which came into force in 2016
  • Mandatory Reporting Duty
  • Child Protection Register
  • Single Unified Safeguarding Review (2024)
  • Working Together to Safeguard People
  • Keeping Learners Safe

We will examine the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and Practice Guides (2014) and explore Welsh-specific case studies which have been developed alongside practitioners working in Wales.

Following this course, delegates will be able to:

  • Explain their understanding of th­­­­­e role of the designated safeguarding person (DSP Wales) and, within their own organisation, describe their areas of responsibility
  • Make reference to and know where to locate the key legislation and guidance around safeguarding and child protection in Wales
  • Explore action to be taken when a concern is raised within their organisation regarding staff or volunteers who work with children
  • Understand the guidance around recording and sharing information, including the importance of consent and confidentiality
  • Look after themselves and understand how to seek support when needed for their role, including supervision.
  • Explore policy and procedure within their own organisation and make an action plan for any changes needed going forward.
  • Explore contextual safeguarding in their area and explain what needs to be put in place to address this.