Terms and conditions

Bookings and Cancellations

In the event of cancellation or amendment(s), please find outlined below SAFE's cancellations charges:

  • 16-12 weeks before the course: 25% of the fee
  • 12-8 weeks before the course: 50% of the fee
  • 8-2 weeks before the course: 75% of the fee
  • Less than 14 days before the course: 100% of the fee

Under certain circumstances, SAFE may agree to substitute your booking to a member of staff in your organisation or transfer your booking to a future course date(s). Such an agreement is subject to the discretion of SAFE.

Full refunds are issued from 16 weeks or above prior to the training date(s). Please be aware that card transactions, including refunds, will incur a processing fee. All prices shown are exclusive of VAT.

In the exceptional event in which the course may be cancelled due to the health of course trainer(s) or insufficient number of attendees, we will ensure you are contacted and will offer an alternative date(s) or arrange a refund.

Thank you for your support.